Welcome to Science, Sports, and Soul, the blog of a graduate student at UNC-Chapel Hill. I'm not going to spend too much time or space on this entry, but will instead lay down the purpose(s) of this blog. Without further ado:
This blog will serve as a way to improve my writing ability. I do not consider myself to be a horrible writer, nor do I consider myself to be a fantastic one. You may come to a different conclusion upon reading a few entries, but I would consider myself to be a "fair" writer. Not good or poor. Just fair. In writing this blog I hope to become more familiar with writing, particularly scientific writing. As a budding scientist, learning how to effectively communicate through writing is paramount to my success. I've struggled through too many dull and poorly written papers and do not wish the same fate upon students who read my work.
To aid in fulfilling this purpose, every Sunday I will update this blog with a post concerning a scientific paper that was recently published. I will provide a brief synopsis and then a critique of the paper and the science. These entries will be much more technical and may be of little interest to a number of readers. For this I apologize.
Purpose 2
This blog will offer me an avenue for reflection (the Sports and Soul part). It is imperative for that I take some time and reflect on things. As I age and take on more responsibility, I find that this need grows ever greater. Some of my reflections will be philosophical, others purely fun. All will give me a chance to breath and refocus.
So, with that out of the way, welcome to my new blog. Comments are most appreciated.
Let's get a real post!